Prečo používame sklenené obaly?

Výber materiálov na balenie nie je jednoduchý. Je potrebné zvážiť mnoho aspektov. V niekoľkých projektoch v našej histórii sme zvažovali naše možnosti a výsledok sa zatiaľ nezmenil… sklo vyhráva. COSMOS…

Resurrect Serum

Resurrect Serum – New life for sensitive skin

A SERUM TO ADDRESSES THE SIGNS OF AGEING IN SENSITIVE SKINS. It’s important to remember that sensitivity often correlates directly to a disruption in barrier function due to a microbial imbalance. This…

whats in a drop

What’s in a drop?

The Esse probiotic skincare range includes a multitude of carefully selected natural ingredients that are proven to have a positive impact on improving skin barrier function, hydration and the effects…


Skincare myths debunked

Since the beginning of time, society has formed beliefs about their experiences and the world around them. A notorious belief and misconception that comes to mind is that the earth…

Nanoparticles Lowdown

Nanoparticles – The lowdown

Nanotechnology is the study and application of extremely small particles (smaller than 100 nanometers – about 40,000 times thinner than a hair). In skincare, nano ingredients come in two forms: nanoemulsions – tiny…

A guide to sensitive skin

Skin sensitivity is a leading skin concern throughout the modern world with more than half of women claiming to have sensitive skin.

Invest In Yourself

Invest in yourself

WHY A GOOD SKINCARE ROUTINE NEED NOT BE COMPLICATED Have you had enough of hearing how the latest skincare fad is the only thing that will rescue your skin? What…


Prijmite výzvu NOVÉ JA v 7 krokoch

7 KROKOV K SKVELEJ PLETI V ROKU 2020 „Zmena je dobrá ako dovolenka,“ a kto by na to povedal nie? S nástupom roka 2020 by sme vás chceli vyzvať, aby…