Everything you need to know about our foundations

This organic, microbiome-friendly foundation provides medium coverage and is available in ten shades. Below are just some of the benefits you can expect. SKIN ILLUMINATION Layer to achieve light to…

Dokážeš zmeniť svoj mikrobióm?

Nezdravý kožný mikrobióm má za následok nezdravú pokožku so zvýšenou rýchlosťou jej starnutia, existuje však spôsob ako zmeniť späť svoj mikrobióm na rozmanitý a symbiotický. Viac sa dozviete od zakladateľa…

Čo pre mňa robí môj mikrobióm?

Vieme, že črevné mikroorganizmy pomáhajú pri trávení a distribúcii živín. Taktiež produkujú vitamíny, udržiavajú krvný tlak a ovplyvňujú vašu náladu. Keďže sme závislí od mnohých partnerstiev, môžeme sa považovať za…

What will probiotics do for my skin?

Probiotics are immensely beneficial. They out-compete pathogenic microbes, improve barrier function, produce moisturising factors, maintain skin pH and reduce sensitivity and inflammation. All these factors reduce the rate of skin…

What is the hygiene hypothesis?

Are we all too clean for our own good? Being overly paranoid about cleanliness puts you at a disadvantage. Early exposure to ‘dirt’ is a good thing, so let children…

5 Things probiotics do for your skin

Probiotics are vital They protect you from pathogens (like armour for your face) They improve barrier function They maintain calm and reduce sensitivity They manufacture moisturising factors They maintain skin…

Why is all this microbiome stuff happening now?

Advances in science now allow us to “see” DNA and we can now study ecosystems that were previously too small to study. The Polymerase Chain Reaction, discovered by Kerry Mullis…