
SPF 30 vhodný pre citlivú pokožku

Certifikovaný organický minerálny ochranný krém, ktorý poskytuje široké spektrum ochrany pred UVA aj UVB žiarením (kritická vlnová dĺžka 373 nm). Neobsahuje parfumáciu a je jemne konzervovaný, takže je ideálny pre citlivú pokožku. Rýchlo sa biologicky odbúrava a je šetrný ku koralom.

(4 customer reviews)


Etika produktu

99% Natural
54% Organic
100% Vegan
100% Cruelty Free
221g Výstup uhlíka
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4 reviews for Sunscreen

  1. Karen

    Ako kancelársky pracovník si uvedomujem, že potrebujem vitamín D, ale aj to, že jeho nadmerné množstvo môže byť škodlivé. Nakoniec sa mi stane, že sa na túre nenatriem opaľovacím krémom a potom sa veľmi spálím, čo nie je dobré pre moju pokožku, ale nedokážem si predstaviť, aké škodlivé látky obsahujú bežné opaľovacie krémy, a preto ich nepoužívam. Tento víkend sme absolvovali nádhernú túru po Drakensbergu – väčšinu pokožky som si zakryla klobúkom, dlhými rukávmi, dlhými pančuchami atď., ale vždy som sa spálila na chrbte rúk! Spomenula som si, že Esse uviedla na trh opaľovací krém, každé ráno som si ho nanášala a po dvoch celodenných slnečných lúčoch vyzerajú presne tak isto ako pred naším štartom. Prvýkrát sa mi stalo, že som po túre netrpela agóniou! Textúra výrobku je hladká a hodvábna – myslím, že ešte lepšie funguje, keď ho nosíte so sebou, takže sa vo fľaštičke zahreje a rovno sa vám vyhladí do pokožky. Som nesmierne ohromená.

  2. Caryl

    This is the best sunscreen that I’ve used for my face. I’ve been using it for 3 months now, including 2 weeks during a very hot summer in Europe. It is highly effective in protecting my skin against the sun’s harmful rays, and I find that when I use it I don’t really need foundation, because it has a lovely subtle tint to it. My skin looks dewy and healthy, love it.

  3. Yvette Botha

    I love the fact that it has a slight tint to it, it feels like it just melts into your natural skin tone so no white streaks on aplication. It also has a non sticky formulation. Having no fragrance makes it even better and no more burning eyes. You also dont have to wear it with the Esse foundations, because the foundations already has an spf in.

  4. Marlize

    I really wanted to like this sunscreen. I took a chance and spent the money on it and now I’m starting to regret it. The pump bottle doesn’t work properly, it takes me a lifetime to dispense the sunscreen. It has a plastic smell and the sunscreen does not sit well under their foundation.

    Response from Esse: Hi Marlize, please make sure the pump is firmly screwed on and then flick the bottle to force the contents toward the lid (it can be stored upside down too).  This packaging is airless and any air inside can cause the pump action to stop.  Once it gets going and provided it is not opened, it should pump consistently. The sunscreen is not formulated to be used in conjunction with the foundations. The foundations also contain an SPF of 30 so applying a sunscreen with them is not necessary. I think that is one of our favourite parts of the foundations – they double up as sun protection too. There is no fragrance component in the sunscreen and we have chosen not to mask the smell of the natural ingredients as this product is intended for sensitive users. The sunscreen is a perfect summer companion for those days you are out and about more than usual.

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