Repair Oil

Posilnenie všetky typov pleti / extra nočná starostlivosť / regenerácia jaziev

Intenzívne vyživujúci olej, ktorý dodáva vitamín E a ideálnu zmes omega mastných kyselín z ľanu, maruly a šípok.

(12 customer reviews)


Etika produktu

100% Natural
95% Organic
100% Vegan
100% Cruelty Free
152g Výstup uhlíka
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12 reviews for Repair Oil

  1. Hope Fifield

    Už roky bojujem s pokožkou poškodenou slnkom. Vyskúšala som už takmer všetko vrátane laserového ošetrenia. Asi pred týždňom som sa rozhodla vyskúšať tento olej a som nadšená výsledkami, ktoré už vidím! Je rozhodne účinnejší ako laser a už nemám potrebu natierať si tvár podkladovou bázou.

  2. Jolandi

    Môjho syna pohrýzol pes a zanechal mu na tvári škaredú jazvu. Použila som reparačný olej a jazva zmizla hneď, ako som ho použila. Je to úžasný výrobok.

  3. Tonia Schonken

    I have oily/combination skin that can clog up easily. This oil works beautifully every time for tired/sunburnt skin. It also mixes extremely well with my foundation for a dewy, youthful appearance. I love it!

  4. Stephanie Duckitt

    My son had a nasty fall the a while back and I put repair oil on the “boo boo” and its as if the scar disappeared over night!!!

  5. Jill Mckeith

    Repair oil for all skins should be added to all skin routines.
    Great for scar tissue, extra night time treatment, add on for dry skin and great for sensitive skin. So many benefits, easy absorption and wonderful to use before your moisturiser.

  6. Yvette Botha

    Back in the day, when Esse started, I heard that the Repair oil wax mixed with a drop of Serum and applied to the skin as your moisturiser. So a few weeks ago I had some breakouts around my chin area, and I decided to just use my Ageless serum and Repair oil as a night time moisturiser to avoid any marks, and o boy do I like this. It cleared up my skin so quickly, and my skin feels super soft and smooth in the morning when I wake up.

  7. Loice Gwah

    Once upon a time, my one trip to the Doctor ended up with my face getting superficial burns… I tried lots of different products and it never worked then eventually I tried the repair oil. Oh I saw a miracle guys my skin is back to its original and Nomore dark patches.

  8. Jacqueline

    This oil for me is magic in a bottle. Ideal for breakouts, scarring, acne and dry skin. An absolute must have product.

  9. Carmen Melissa Jessop

    I give this product hands down best product to reduce scarring and redness it is amazing stuff. The bonus is that it’s a dry oil so it soaks in fast it doesn’t leave that oily feeling.

  10. Cordnee Lee Moonsamy

    I simply love the repair oil. It has a variety of uses and is basically perfect for any type of skin. Oily/combination. No worries. The repair oil has you! Being a dry is just an added bonus. My niece had a little rash just on her sideburn. She Tried many expensive creams and ointments and nothing seemed to help. When she had reached her breaking point and was about to spend a fortune on going to see a dermatologist, I suggested we try the repair oil. After just 3 days of use the stubborn little rash had vanished! This little miracle in a bottle is basically God sent!

  11. Courtneigh Grundlingh

    I absolutely love this product. I highly recommend it for people looking to heal post op scarring. It really is an incredible product, and the lovely scent is an added bonus!

  12. Kirsten

    I had a car accident where the airbag scared half my face big time, after a week of using Esse my scaring went down by 75%. Incredibly impressed with this product and if ever I need scaring to be sorted, I would come back to this one. Beautiful scent to it as well.

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