Intensity Serum

Rýchla redukcia vrások pre starnúcu pleť

Rýchlo zjemňuje vrásky uvoľnením tvárových svalov. Prvé účinky sa prejavia po 2 hodinách a ak sa používa každé ráno, dochádza ku kumulatívnemu účinku anti-ageing efektu.

(10 customer reviews)


Etika produktu

99% Natural
87% Organic
100% Vegan
100% Cruelty Free
420g Výstup uhlíka
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10 reviews for Intensity Serum

  1. Janice West

    Používam tento produkt už dvanásty mesiac a mám pleť ako pred dvadsiatimi rokmi. Rovnako ako všetky výrobky Esse, aj tento je čarovný nápoj.

    Je veľmi účinný, takže vám postačí malé množstvo – ja používam
    Jedno streknutie zmiešané so streknutím probiotického séra a pokryje mi celú tvár a krk. Moja pleť je ako detská prdelka.

    Je skvelý na vypnutie a vyhladenie tých nepríjemných ovisnutých podbradkov, ktoré akoby prichádzali s menopauzou.

    Všetko, čo mi zostane na rukách, si natieram na hornú časť rúk a odstránila som vrásky a škvrny, ktoré prichádzajú so starnutím a tak ľahko prezradia váš vek.

    Vydrží dlho a fľaštička mi vydrží štyri až päť mesiacov – skvelá hodnota za tieto peniaze.

    Vrelo odporúčam!

  2. Cordnee lee Moonsamy

    All natural and organic way for wrinkle reduction.

  3. Minette Vosloo

    This serum absorbs really fast. You can see the wrinkles relax within two hours. Even better with a facial and the added intensity ampoule. Over prolonged use the effects of the mafane „the botox effect“ are intesified.

  4. Karin Taljaard

    This product is the best for special occasions. Reducing your winkles instantly. Pair it with an intensity ampule with a facial and it will make ur friends wonder if you’ve had some work done 😉

  5. Courtneigh Grundlingh

    Love the tightness and firmness that this product gives the skin. It’s like magic in a bottle. Incredible results from using this serum!

  6. Karin

    Mafane Extracts- know that is a magic ingredient! Perfect product to use before a function or wedding to reduce some wrinkles. Love that you can see the effects in a few minutes.
    Ever woman dream
    For keeping the wrinkles firmer and smoother use everyday with the rest of your Esse range

  7. Carmen Melissa Jessop

    I have used this on alot of my mature clients and as a therapist working with it I always get mind blown on how well it reduces wrinkles and plumps and tightens the skin:)
    i rather do a organic natural botox anyday with this product:)

  8. Kerry Venter

    Slightly tacky sticky feel at first, but absorbs pretty quickly. Definite tightening effect. Super hydrating and plumping and makes a major difference on fine lines and wrinkles!

  9. Jenine Harrison

    What is not to love about this product! As soon as I put it onto my skin, I feel an immediate tightening! Applied before a special function, it makes my makeup stay on much longer and holds it better! It gives the skin a special glow…I DO NOT go out without my magic lift & tuck! Thank you esse for giving us this organic alternative!

  10. Confidence Dikgole

    The product is good, tightens the skin and keeps the skin looking young. The only major problem I have is the container used. At some point, the pump stops functioning properly. Please improve the container.

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