Eye Contour Cream

Spevňuje a omladzuje starnúcu pokožku

Univerzálny očný krém, ktorý rieši hlavné problémy očného okolia: jemné linky, vrásky, tmavé kruhy a opuchy.

(9 customer reviews)


Etika produktu

99% Natural
68% Organic
100% Vegan
100% Cruelty Free
290g Uhlíkový výstup
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9 reviews for Eye Contour Cream

  1. Janice West

    Používam tento krém už tretí mesiac a mám oči ako pred dvadsiatimi rokmi. Rovnako ako všetky produkty Esse, aj tento je čarovný elixír.

    Je taký bohatý, že vám postačí malé množstvo – používam ho okolo očí a to málo, čo mi zostane na prste, si nanesiem na pery. Je skvelý na odstránenie tých nepríjemných drobných vrások, ktoré akoby prichádzali s menopauzou.

    Po troch mesiacoch je fľaštička rovnako plná ako v prvý deň, keď som začala používať – nečudovala by som sa, keby vydržala rok.

    Vrelo odporúčam!

  2. Helen Malisan

    Have been using this products for about a week only, wow! Not struggling with puffiness anymore, and wrinkles have already started looking smoother! And I use a tiny teeny drop for both eyes. Fantastic product!

  3. Kerry

    Beautiful smooth texture and lovely natural fragrance. Been using this cream for only 2weeks and can already notice a major result in reduced puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles! A little goes a long way, it’s worth it!

  4. Jenine Harrison

    All in one magic little bottle that treats pigmentation,lines,dryness and wrinkles! Absolutely LOVE this cream!!!

  5. Melissa Johnson

    Reduces puffiness, dark circles, treats ageing, fine lines and crow’s feet! What more could you ask for in an eye treatment?! Added bonus: Over time you will also see lightening of pigmentation marks

  6. Jill Mckeith

    I have been using this eye cream for a few months. I have seen improvement hyperpigmentation, crow’s feet and dark circles
    Value for money as you only need a little cream. Lasts a long time.
    Amazing results.

  7. Cordnee Lee Moonsamy

    Perfect serum to reduces fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area for our mature clients. Works exceptionally well as a booster if you are wanting to look your best for a function. Loving this product!

  8. Carmen Melissa Jessop

    This is a amazing eye cream for mature clients even in your 20s it’s good to reduce the wrinkles in time. 🙂 helps with dark circles aswel if you had a bad night and need a quick plump for your dark circles from lack of sleep and you want to look fresh for work this is a great product for you:)

  9. Antoinette

    Stunning product I love it, it leaves a slight residue when you use too much, so it really lasts a long time. I can see how my skin and lines around my eyes are a lot less.

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